28.10.2023 19:00
Ticket sales have ended.
Date | 28.10.2023 19:00 | ||||||
Place | O2 arena, Praha | ||||||
Organizer | LIVE NATION CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o. Organizer | ||||||
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Invitation 50 CENT Club Floor (500.51 Kb) Invitation 50 CENT Skyboxes (507.79 Kb) Invitation 50 CENT Sport Category Club Seats (494.43 Kb) Invitation 50 CENT Premier Club (497.69 Kb) Invitation 50 CENT Sportboxes (591.84 Kb) VIP menu 50 CENT Club Floor (1.88 Mb) VIP menu 50 CENT Premier Club (1.90 Mb) |
Skybox |
Tickets: CZK 10 Catering: CZK 1 800 |
Club floor |
Tickets: CZK 690 Catering: CZK 1 800 |
Premier Club |
Tickets: CZK 10 Catering: CZK 1 800 |
More information |
Parking available only for VIP clients: Capacity is limited. |
Sale / reservation | Ticket sales have ended. | ||||||
Box offices |
Opening hours may change depending on the event schedule. |
Information | Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy. |
Majitel vstupenky je povinen nosit ji po celou dobu pobytu v O2 areně a na požádání pořadatele ji předložit ke kontrole. Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedený den, akci, místo konání, sedadlo. Je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem a opravňuje k jednomu vstupu do arény. Po opuštění O2 areny pozbývá platnosti. Dodatečnými úpravami se stává vstupenka neplatnou. V případě uplynutí platnosti vstupenky, jejího poškození, zničení, ztráty nebo krádeže nelze vstupenku vyměnit ani nahradit její hodnotu ani poskytnout jinou kompenzaci. Další převod, prodej nebo zbavení se vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej za cenu vyšší, než je na vstupence vytištěna, způsobuje její neplatnost. Majiteli takové vstupenky bude odepřen vstup na místo konání akce nebo bude vyveden a zakládá to důvod pro zabavení vstupenky bez náhrady její nominální ceny nebo jiné kompenzace.
Vstupenka je cenina, její padělání a pozměňování je zakázáno. Pořadatel odepře vstup na akci všem majitelům takových vstupenek.
Zaplacené vstupné se nevrací, vstupenka se nevyměňuje. V případě zrušení akce zodpovídá za vrácení vstupného pořadatel. V případě zrušení akce uplatní majitel vstupenky nárok na vrácení vstupného dle pokynů pořadatele. Servisní poplatky se nevracejí. Náhrada zvláštních nákladů (např. hotel, jízdní výlohy) se neposkytuje. Změna programu vyhrazena. Datum a čas akce mohou být změněny bez upozornění.
Je zakázáno fotografování a pořizování obrazových a zvukových záznamů v průběhu akce včetně přestávek. Dále je zakázáno používání laserových ukazovátek, vnášet do objektu na akci kamery, profesionální fotoaparáty a tablety.
Na akci jsou poskytovány slevy. Pořadatel poskytuje slevy na vstupném držitelům průkazu ZTP/P – vozíčkářům a jejich průvodcům.
Při plnění povinností vyplývajících z prodeje vstupenek bude IRSnet CZ s.r.o. postupovat ve shodě s platnými obchodními podmínkami pro poskytování služby prodej vstupenek na sportovní a kulturní akce prostřednictvím prodejní sítí Ticketmaster a Ticketportal. Aktuální znění obchodních podmínek je k dispozici na www.ticketmaster.cz a www.ticketportal.cz.
Today, EMMY® and GRAMMY® award-winning multi hyphenate, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, announced that he will embark on a global tour in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of his game-changing debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryin’. Produced by Live Nation and presented by Sire Spirits, The Final Lap Tour will make stops across North America and Europe including Toronto, Brooklyn, Atlanta, Prague, Amsterdam, Oslo, Paris, and many more. Additional markets to be announced soon.
The Final Lap Tour will feature the rap icon performing dozens of fan-favorite and chart-topping hits along with select tracks that have not been performed live in decades. Plus, the tour will feature support from special guest and longtime friend, Busta Rhymes, across all dates with more special guests to be announced.
Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s Sire Spirits brands, Branson Cognac and Le Chemin du Roi Champagne, will be available throughout the tour and at select Live Nation venues for other events.1 This relationship ties into Live Nation’s commitment to diversity and supporting fully Black-owned brands, of which Sire Spirits is one of the few.
Recognized as one of the most talented and prolific music artists of his time, 50 Cent rose to fame with his record-shattering debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryin’. Since then, he has sold more than 30 million albums worldwide and has been awarded the most prestigious accolades. Jackson has leveraged his star power to achieve unparalleled success as an entrepreneur, actor, director, and executive producer. From Get Rich or Die Tryin’ being one of the fastest-selling albums in history to creating one of the most influential deals in hip-hop with the sale of Vitaminwater, Jackson continues to break records. Currently, he holds the record for the highest rated premiere of a series ever on Starz with “Power Book II: Ghost.”
1 Where permitted by local law.
17:30 doors
19:00 Jeremih
19:45 Busta Rhymes
21:00 50 Cent
About 50 Cent
Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson has carved out a thriving television and film career as both a best in class producer and star. In 2005, he founded G-Unit Film & Television, Inc. which has produced a wide variety of content across numerous platforms and sold a myriad of shows to various networks. Among these is the critically-acclaimed #1 show on Starz, “Power,” in which he not only co-starred in but also served as executive producer and director He has successfully focused on expansion of the “Power” universe with spin-offs ‘’Power Book II: Ghost,’’ “Power Book III: Raising Kanan,” and “Power Book IV: Force.” G-Unit Film & Television also produced the ABC hit, “For Life” is currently in production on season three of the hit series, “Black Mafia Family” for Starz and recently released the “Black Mafia Family” Docuseries. In 2023 Jackson announced a Non-Exclusive multi-project development deal with FOX. G-Unit is also in development on the scripted series “Fightland” and “Queen Nzinga” at Starz and “Trill League” at BET+, “Untitled” at Paramount+ with Chad Stahelski attached to direct, and a Nicki Minaj starring vehicle “Lady Danger” at Freevee . Recently released from G-Unit Film & Television is “Hip Hop Homicides” at WeTV. Jackson is also expanding into the podcast space through his new G-Unit Audio banner with the debut of Surviving El Chapo: The Twins Who Brought Down a Drug Lord in partnership with iHeart Media and Lionsgate Sound. The company is also building out its feature slate, starting with a three picture Horror deal as a collaboration with Horror phenom Eli Roth and 3BlackDot and Expendables 4 upcoming with Millennium and Lionsgate.
The exceptional businessman serves as CEO of G-Unit Records which he founded in 2003 and has since signed a host of multi-platinum artists.
Jackson continues to extend his brand which encompasses a broad spectrum of businesses including Sire Spirits which Jackson formed in 2016 a luxury Wine and Spirits company that owns Le Chemin du Roi Champagne and Branson Cognac. In April 2020 Jackson released his second New York Times Best Selling self-help book Hustle Harder Hustle Smarter. Additionally in January 2020 Jackson received a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame as well as being awarded an NAACP award for Best Director in a Drama Series.
About Sire Spirits
Sire Spirits launched in 2017 produces premium wine and spirits under the brand names Le Chemin du Roi Champagne (“The Kings Path”) and Branson Cognac both of which have quickly become Award winning brands. Le Chemin du Roi Champagne and Branson Cognac are nationally distributed and featured in top hotels, resorts, casinos, restaurants, nightclubs, bars and now professional sports venues across the United St